
During inception on concept we focused on sketch-like blueprints that would be directly suitable for modeling. You can click on any thumbnail below to see the whole image.

Main character

Our main character is a mechanical-looking "guy". It's "inside" is empty, there will be circulating "electricity" effects. In the beginning, the character's surface is flat, single color (nearly white) and shiny; it gets less shiny and more textured towards the demo end.

Outer walls

Inner walls of the room are flat, bright, not textured and a bit reflective, there are no details on them. In contrast, the outer walls (seen when the inner walls break) are pretty complex, with lots of shape and texture detail. Architectural style is somewhat close to Gothic - high arcs and pillars, circular rosettes and lots of ornaments.

Early sketches:

Final blueprints of the walls:

Common wall details:

Sketch of gargoyle (there will be four such statues in the room, at slightly different poses):

Sketches of surface details:

Small ornaments and symbols:


This section presents some of the models in 3D editor and/or rendered realtime. Thumbnails link to full size images.

Main character

Whole high-polygon model (~220 thousand triangles) and closeup:

Low-polygon model for rendering (~7000 triangles). High-polygon model used only to compute normal maps, see technology section.

Inner walls

The inner room walls are just a box. Here are screenshots from actual realtime rendering of the character in the initial room (the lighting isn't final; and there are no electricity effects rendered inside the character yet):

The complex and textured outer walls are behind these inner walls, and will be seen once the walls start fracturing and breaking.

Outer walls

Base meshes for the outer walls (these will be subdivided to get the final high-detail meshes):

Subdivided high-detail model and it's fragment:

Example how models are subdivided - base mesh of one pillar, closeup of the base mesh and closeups of the final subdivided mesh (~80 thousand triangles):

For realtime rendering, low-polygon models are also authored. The above pillar's low-polygon version (left image, ~300 triangles) and how the same low-polygon model is actually rendered in realtime (right image). Note that all ornaments are not present in the realtime model itself - normal map captures the small details (see technology section for details):

Screenshots of other low polygon outer wall models rendered in realtime (textures and lighting are not final yet):

Layout of the low-polygon meshes:

High-detail model of the gargoyle: